Some developers are also great UI designers but most are not. Unfortunately, this app looks and feels like it was designed by "left brain" engineer nerds fascinated by a concept and their own
genius for having the idea.
Sure theres a lot of data and yes we data-holics like that it exports but onscreen its all organized in a way that shouts overthinking — almost like it was designed by people who sit behind a computer all day. Hhm. It lacks the big text, streamlined simplicity of apps like Fitbit or Microsoft Health. Its even worse than the surprisingly teeny tot, cluttered, poorly designed dashboard of Health Kit from apple - who are usually great at design.
All the text is small and a LOT of space is devoted to things that dont matter - like the diamond icons that hog up space that would otherwise allow data to be larger. The idea of summarizing and having to drill down to see more detail is way underused here. The dashboard - well - isnt. More of an afterthought. The key dashboard data is squeezed into the top of the screen to make room for "habit" data which you can tell Basis developers are thrilled with themselves over because it dominates the app. On that note Habits might be a cute concept but there are a lot of "baby step" goals that force you to spend time in app management rather than just being active. For example: theres a morning lap, afternoon lap and evening lap. Getting past the nonsense aspect, you cant set goals for all three at once so you can set it and forget it. You have to "earn" each one which causes you to spend too much time fidgeting with the app and the app spending too much time bothering you. Great if you havent left your couch since high school but way too fussy for those whove already embraced the idea of daily activity. I dont object to beginner coaching features but engineer nerds provide no flexibility to opt out and just set daily goals. The habit game should be something you drill down to see or have a setting to play or not but instead it dominates everything. I just want to see my summary data (steps, heart, workouts, Sleep), set daily goals and forget about it. If I tap something a chart and maybe an ability to edit if I see something wrong. Its really not that complicated or it least it shouldnt be.
On the positive, I do want to say thanks that it does play well with others. I love that it allows Mapmyfitness to use the heart rate monitor and that it also shares all its data with HealthKit.